Continuous employee training is crucial for maintaining a successful business. A poorly trained workforce eventually leads to poor performance and often, costly mistakes. Our personalized training plans are proven to enhance employee skills, ensuring your team performs at their best. Certify your team with AAPC today and see tangible outcomes quickly.
Our clients consistently report a boost in productivity, accuracy, and revenue growth within just a few weeks after completing a certification with AAPC.
Here are a few of our most requested team certification trainings:
Certified Professional Coders accurately code services in physician offices across specialties and procedures, ensuring compliance and accurate reimbursement.
Certified Risk Adjustment Coders ensure accurate health status portrayal on claims, specializing in chronic conditions, ICD-10-CM guidelines, and accurate diagnosis reporting.
Certified Professional Medical Auditors specialize in fraud awareness, statistical sampling, auditing, quality assurance, and communication of findings to mitigate compliance risks and ensure accurate reimbursement.
Certified Documentation Expert Inpatient professionals ensure accurate inpatient documentation, specializing in coding, billing guidelines, and compliance. They review documentation, address deficiencies, and apply coding principles for precise reporting.
Certified Documentation Expert Outpatient specialists excel in outpatient coding, quality measures, and clinical mandates, using proper query methods, offering feedback to providers, and improving documentation practices to meet all record obligations.
Flexible Training Options
Our certification programs offer flexible training options, allowing your team to choose between self-paced modules or in-person sessions with live instructors. While self-paced training provides convenience, our live sessions drive higher certification pass rates and foster a deeper understanding of the content.
For over 35 years, AAPC has been helping our members and their organizations stay ahead of the curve. Our experts understand your unique talent challenges and opportunities, with an unwavering focus on your success. Together, we will work hand-in-hand with you to deliver extraordinary experiences and results that matter to your organization.